About Tropical Seeds, Pods, and Flowers

Sea beans and seeds from Costa Rica.

I am pleased to share with you my Driftwood and Drift Seed Wall Sculpture/Collages, my beautiful seed necklaces, and some of my other art work and poetry.

The driftwood pieces have been collected for several years on the beaches of Costa Rica. The drift seeds are special gifts that add a beautiful touch to the collages (and necklaces). Shells add highlights to several of the sculptures. Each creation is unique. No two are alike.

Salty Sea Beans (with a Mary’s Bean up front)

As a result of making a few of these collages, a whole new world of seed pods and sea beans has opened up for me and my husband. Finding different seeds on beaches and in pods naturally led to a desire to make necklaces with them.

Below I share with you some of our adventures finding pods and seeds to give you a better sense of all that is involved in each naturally beautiful piece of art.


Mucuna flower from the mountains of Heredia.


Black Ox Eye and “Basket” Beans (Mucuna  holtonii), La Garita and from Acosta (Costa Rica).

PLEASE SEE THIS. It shows the development of a pod from a young bud:  Mucuna monticola vine near my home. Wondrous!

Mucuna Sloanei (Ox Eye) pods and seeds found on the Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Costa Rica.



Regular Ox Eye (Mucuna sloanei), lovely red beans, and Fish Tail Palm seeds from the South Caribbean. These include the small “Platanillito” seeds and pods.

Platanilla (Canna indica)flower and green pods (black seeds are inside pods)


Velvet Pods or Mucuna Pruriens. Very painful stinging hairs on pods!


Nickernut in pod (Guanacaste, Costa Rica)










Here are a few pictures of some Nickernut seeds and pods we found on the West coast of Costa Rica. I use this quite a bit in my Natural Elegance line of Tropical Jewels necklaces.

West Indian Locust Seeds (Guapinol)


The West Indian Locust seeds were so gorgeous that I was moved to start making necklaces. You will understand why, I am sure.




Tears of St. Peter, which look like small pearls and

add much beauty to Nickernut necklaces.

Coix lacryma-jobi)
Tears of St. Peter seeds

Carao pods and seeds and “Golden Rain” seeds (Cassia sp.) from the Central Valley of Costa Rica.

Rare Entada polystachia seeds which are in some of my Sea Purse necklaces. We have actually recently discovered that perhaps they are not so rare! Haha! We saw a lot of vines in the South Pacific coast recently. Though I haven’t ever seen the used in jewelry before.


Black “Chumico” (Soapberry) seeds which are used in a lot of my necklaces.

Chumico (Soapberry) seeds from La Garita, Costa Rica


Poro flower

The Red Beans (also Erythrina berteroana)  and the Black and Red Beans (Ormosia Coccinea)

Smaller seeds: Flat, black Orchid Tree pods and seeds, and Mexican Bird of Paradise pods and seeds, “Monkey Pod Tree” seeds, and various other seeds/beans.



Thank you for visiting my site and allowing me to share these beautiful natural creations with you.

Keep Falling Into Your Heart.


Here’s a poem I wrote this year (2016):


She stops the wind and bends the sky,
gathering into her cupped soul
bright red beans, half buried
in dry summer ground.

Cars rush by. And by.

Further on, brown beans
peak through the fallen leaves,
the crushed, sour pods, quietly

inviting her to fall
into gratitude’s embrace,
the larger spaces that open the day
with possibility,

blue sunlight
streaming by, and by.

Looking for “Sea Heart”s (Entada giga) on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica.

5 thoughts on “About Tropical Seeds, Pods, and Flowers

  1. Are you aware of seabean.com? It’s where sea-bean enthusiasts meet. They should definitely see your work and you theirs!!!! Cathy Yow, author “Jewelry from Nature: 45 great projects using sticks & stones, seeds & bones” 1999. Lark Books.


    1. Hello. Yes, I am aware of Seabean.com They have some of my photos of Mucuna flowers. I believe they have a link to my necklaces. BUT, I am not making these any more. Thanks Catherine! I see from your book title that you too make jewelry from nature. So precious!!


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