Here are some beautifully simple collages, created on one piece of driftwood. The sea beans are lovely. They look great displayed together!

Simple and Free $50
Simple and Free

“Simple and Free.” (Sold)


Red Adenanthera pavonina, Sea Heart, Ox Eye, Guanacaste Tree Seeds, small brown nickernuts?, grey nickernut, acacia tree pod and thorn.

Invitation: Keep it simple.

“Fly Home”

“Fly Home.” 

Another simple collage on one piece of driftwood.

Seeds: The lovely “Oxy” round black seed (Oxyrhynchus trinervius), Sea Heart, Ox Eye, Guanacaste Tree Seeds, Acacia seeds, red and black “Nene” seed.

Invitation: Enjoy your adventures, but return home to rest and refresh yourself. Find your tribe. Appreciate sunsets.

Monkeying around
Monkeying Around



“Monkeying Around.” (Sold)

The lovely black Acacia Tree thorns!

Round Prickly palm nut, small brown Sea Pea, round Monkey Comb (A. aspersa) drift seed, Guanacaste Tree seeds, Sea Purse (Dioclea reflexa), a lovely black “Oxy” seed, and seeds and pod from the “Mexican Bird of Paradise” Tree.

Invitation: Start Monkeying around. Be playful. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Enjoy the moment.

Below is a display of more single piece driftwood and drift seed wall collages.

The one on the left and the one on the right are still available.

Four small drift seed collages displayed together.
Four small drift seed collages displayed together.

A Deeper Passion

A Deeper Passion
A Deeper Passion

A Deeper Passion 

Several years ago, I had the colors black and red come up during a Focusing session. I don’t recall exactly what their meaning was, but a while later I wrote a poem called “A Deeper Passion” and made a paper collage to symbolize the poem. I think perhaps black symbolizes grief for me, and red, life.

Seeds: Round Monkey Comb, Sea Heart, Ox Eye, Sand Box Tree seed, Starnut palm, A. cornigera thorns, Nenes (Ormosia monosperma? Red and black seeds), red Adenanthera pavonina, and seed pods.

Invitation: Embrace your life. Honor your grieving. Release your fears. Seek your passion.

Surf and Turf

Surf and Turf
Surf and Turf (Private Collection)

“Surf and Turf.” 

The small driftwood pieces on this are exquisite. The composition is gorgeous. It is my favorite of all, next to “Yin Yang.”

Seeds include: Sea Heart, Ox Eye,  gorgeous and rare black  “Oxys” (Oxyrhynchus trinervias), Guanacaste Tree seed, a lovely Sea Purse (Dioclea reflexa), Tears of St. Peter seeds, tree pods, and one mountain snail from Punta Uva, Costa Rica.

The beautiful large black thorns are from the A. cornigera Acacia tree.

The white spiral shell I found up in the mountains of Punta Uva, Talamanca, Limon, Costa Rica. I love it!

Invitation: Appreciate the details. Go with the flow.




A heavy driftwood collage whose aim is to show the beauty of the driftwood pieces themselves. (Click on picture for more detail.)


Sea Heart, Pandarius Tectoris (bottom right, pineapple looking seed),

Raphia taedigera, (Held in branch on left), Round Prioria copafeira holding an “Ox Eye,”

Acacia pod, shells, river rocks, and one mountain snail from Punta Uva mountains in Costa Rica.

Invitation: Get back to earth. Rise to the occasion. Be the best that you can be.

“Sea Breeze”

Sea Breeze
Sea Breeze (Sold)

“Sea Breeze.” (SOLD)

With a gorgeous center piece of drift wood, which I have had for years, as well as the two dangling seeds.

Ox Eye Seeds (5)
Bottom left dangling: Prioria copaifera.
Top right dangling: Flame of Africa Tree seed pod.
One “Guanacaste Tree” seed,
and two shiny black seeds (Oxyrhynchus trinervias).

Invitation: Be sensual. Feel the wind on your skin. Enjoy community. Hang loose.




One of my favorites.

Driftwood and Drift Seed Wall Collage, with Sea Heart seed, Ox Eye seed,
prioria copafeira seed, Guanacaste Tree seeds, and Oxyrhynchus trinervias

Driftwood from Costa Rica.

Invitation: Feel your power. Center yourself. Connect to your Inner Higher Self.

(Click on photograph for more detail.)

East Wind

“East Wind”


Unique driftwood and sea shell sculpture. Lovely centerpiece for a dining room.

Invitation: Stay open to unexpected possibilities. Receive and celebrate all that is. Seek your passion.

New Dawn

New Dawn $105
New Dawn 

“New Dawn” 

I stained this to make it come alive.


Sea Heart
Manchineel (Hippomane mancinella)
Sea Nut
Crabwood (Carapa guianensis)
Prioria copaifera

Invitation: Color your world with your passion. Dare to be you. Play.


“Wild Winds”

“Wild Winds” 

I have had the center, spiky, elongated pod for years. I love. It is a Pithecoctenium crucigerum, also known as “monkey comb.” I wish I could find more of these.
Hanging pods: Royal Poinciana (Delonix regia) – Known as Woman’s Tongue (Malinche Tree);
Sea Heart (Entada giga)
Guanacaste Seeds
Ox Eye; 
Almond Seeds
Prioria Copafeira (hanging in center)

Invitation: Let your heart be your guide. Seek balance. Hang loose.

Western Direction
Western Direction


This is the third one I made. The bottom dark piece of driftwood is lovely. It has an indigenous feel to me.

Unusual “Monkey Comb” (Apeiba aspera)
Sea Heart
Ox Eyes
Mary’s Bean (crucifixion bean) (Merremia discoidesperma)
Two lovely small black seeds (Oxyrhynchus trinervias)
Guanacaste Tree seed

Long, thin pods

Invitation: Follow your intuition. Heed warnings.