A Little Bit About Me (Suzanne L. Noel)

I am a Certifying Coordinator for the The International Focusing Institute in New York.

Focusing is a process of attending inside ourselves to let new insights, meaning, and possibilities come from our innate body wisdom. It’s about pausing, placing our attention inside ourselves, and letting symbols come about how we are living situations. It is a way of making sense of our lives.

Please feel free to visit my website to find out more: www.recoveryfocusing.com

I also have another blog titled The Felt Meaning of Recovery. I have developed a powerful model for working with groups in treatment from substance dependency or other addictive processes. The model applies my H.O.W. We Heal process to the Twelve Steps of Recovery to enliven a group with personal, felt meaning and life-changing insights. Samples of this work can be found at The Felt Meaning of Recovery.

I have made collages for many years out of magazine cut outs. Here are my “Textures of Life” collages.

Here is one album of some colorful drawings of mine! No idea from where these colors come! 

I write poetry. Here is a gathering of my older collections, in a PDF version of my book “A Deeper Passion.” Here is my poem “The Chosen” about a Step Four process of recovery.

June 2018 Getting Ready to Ride with Honda Red Riders

What I most love to do is ride my motorcycle in Costa Rica. This is a spiritual experience for me. When I ride, I am awed by beauty. I feel full of joy and gratitude. Riding gives me a sense of belonging to this magnificent planet that I love so much. Here is my new blog that holds many of my thoughts and adventures on Riding in Costa Rica. I have been having fun creating Honda Slogans, for some bizarre reason, so please forgive them! Hahaha!

2000 up in the mountain, in my younger days.
2018 with my beloved Honda XL 200, Amita.

Thank you for visiting my site.

Keep Falling Into Your Heart.

7 thoughts on “A Little Bit About Me (Suzanne L. Noel)

  1. I am a seabean lover and adore your site. Love everything! Do you sell your sculptures? If so, can you tell me where this might be posted?


    1. Hi Lynn. I am happy you like my sculptures. Thank you. 🙂

      If you are a sea bean lover, why not see if you yourself can create your own lovely display? 🙂

      Anyhow, let me know which ones you like, and we can talk.
      There are a few I would like to keep, but I can always change my mind!



  2. I love your site! I grew up in Costa Rica in the 1970’s and left a chunk of my heart there! I live in Naples, FL now and LOVE to beachcomb for all kinds of treasures! In all my days of beachcombing, I have only found maybe a dozen nickernuts but just this past month we have had TONS of storms and they’re turning up like crazy! I, like you, love them and make jewelry from my beach finds. Made a necklace today with the nuts. But yours are truly beautiful and unique because they are made entirely from seeds of my beloved CR. Keep doing your thing!! So rewarding, and there are those of us out here who understand and appreciate your efforts!!


    1. Hi Heather. Lucky you to have grown up here in the 70s. Suddenly, in the 2000s, things really started changing here. Too much development and growth. But it is still a beautiful and peaceful country. Glad you are getting so many nickernuts! They are lovely. I am no longer making sea bean necklaces, but it sure was a fun and exciting chapter of my life. Hugs!


  3. I love your website/blog and love your art. I’d find small smooth stones, little shells and tiny pieces of drift wood and not know what to do with them but couldn’t just throw them out so I stuck them in a big jar. Thanks for showing such a lovely way of making great use of these gems.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello, Suzanne. Recovery Focusing seems interesting and nurturing. I never have participated in a 12 step program, but your YouTube video and books have a calming effect on me. Please check out an online game called SandboxLife. You can learn more about it via the website I am linking for you here. May I please ask you something about your anthropology curricula at Stockton State College? The campus has changed a lot, of course. Actually, my longtime friend Vanessa, creator of SandboxLife, is curious about Stockton back in the day, and I hope to lead her to information. I have more time on my hands than she does. Can you please reply here with how I can contact you? Or else can you please email me at davidhenschel13 at G-m-a-i-l. Thank you for reading my long post. Safe travels.


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